Healthcare News
Spring allergies and weather changes: Are your ears ready?
One look at the calendar tells us spring is upon us, even if the temperature outside suggests otherwise. For all of the joys spring brings us, from the first crocuses emerging to feeling the warmth of the sun on our skin for the first time in months, it also brings rain, erratic temperature shifts and seasonal allergies.
Cost of hearing aids: What to know
Hearing aids range significantly in cost, starting from about $1,000 and going up to as much as $6,000. Often, the costs include hearing tests, follow-ups, and ongoing support from healthcare professionals, including audiologists.
Hearing loss and anxiety: What`s the connection?
If you’ve just been diagnosed with hearing loss—or your hearing has gotten worse—you may be feeling anxious. It's a normal reaction to stressful situations, but for some people it spirals out of control and becomes a disorder in and of itself.
Living with mild hearing loss
Hearing loss is divided into degrees of severity from mild to profound. If you have mild hearing loss, your hearing loss isn't severe and you can likely "fake it until you make it" in many social situations.
What is hyperacusis?
Do normal sounds seem unbearable to you? For some people, ordinary levels of sound make their ears hurt. It can be a bewildering experience, both for the person who has it, and their friends and family.