Healthcare News
How are cochlear implants different from hearing aids?
Hearing aids are the instrument of choice for the majority of people with hearing loss, but for those who are deaf or severely hard of hearing, cochlear implants may be a better option.
I’m an older adult with severe hearing loss. Can I get a cochlear implant?
We're commonly asked by readers who are 65+ if cochlear implants might be a suitable option for them. The answer is yes—provided you meet the candidacy guidelines for surgery.
SARS-CoV-2 virus can infect the inner ear, study finds
The SARS-CoV-2 virus can infect cells of the inner ear, including hair cells, which are critical for both hearing and balance, a new study suggests.
The impact of hearing loss on relationships
Hearing loss does not occur in a vacuum. Studies show that untreated hearing loss can negatively impact our relationships with family and friends and particularly with those closest to us, such as our romantic partners. With some adjustments, though, you can greatly reduce the impact of hearing loss on your relationship.
How to prepare for a hospital stay when you have hearing loss
Why would anyone put themselves in this position? It’s crazy, yet most older people with hearing loss arrive at the hospital without hearing aids. In fact, most adults with hearing loss don’t know—or don’t admit to themselves—that their hearing loss is a problem.