
4101 Greenbriar Street
Suite 320
Houston, TX 77098

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    Proven Technologies to Improve Hearing

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Healthcare News

  • I hate my hearing aids. What do I do?

    So you’ve received the hearing aids your hearing health professional prescribed for you—and you hate them. What now? Should you leave them in your nightstand and decide to live with hearing loss?

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  • How balance and hearing are connected—and why this matters

    The inner ear is the same part of the ear where the cochlea—the snail-like organ where soundwaves get converted into electrical impulses and transmitted to the brain—resides. The hearing system and the balance organs share a nerve pathway to the brain, known as the vestibulocochlear nerve.

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  • Apps for tinnitus: My top picks

    When you live with bothersome tinnitus, having the right coping tools close at hand can make a big difference in the quality of your day.

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  • Should you wear hearing aids all the time?

    To keep both your hearing and brain sharp, you should wear your hearing aids all day. The only time you should remove your hearing aids is for sleeping and activities like showering or swimming since most hearing aids are not waterproof.

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  • What this tinnitus doctor wants chronic sufferers to know

    Pennsylvania resident Frank M. experienced tinnitus for decades—23 years total—before finally finding relief with Amy Greer, AuD, FAAA, of Lemme Audiology Associates.

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