Healthcare News
Cauliflower ear: All you need to know
Cauliflower ear is a deformity caused by blunt trauma that is common among rugby players, but it can happen to anyone involved in contact sport.
What is a preauricular pit?
A preauricular pit is a small hole in front of the upper ear, located just between the face and the cartilage of the ear rim.
Medical Minute: Eustachian tube dilation offers safer relief from dysfunction
When the Eustachian tube connecting the back of the nose and middle ear becomes inflamed, infected or blocked, people can experience pain, discomfort and possible hearing loss.
Can apple cider vinegar treat ear infections?
Ear infections can occur in the inner, middle, or outer part of the ear. They are usually due to an overgrowth of infectious bacteria or a virus.
Even mild hearing loss as a child can have long-term effects on how the brain processes sound
When we are born, our brains have a lot to learn. For the newborn baby, everything they learn about the world around them comes from their senses.